Taking care of your optimal physical wellbeing

Personalised therapeutic massage therapy designed to address specific ailments, promote healing, and restore balance to your body

Mitch Murdoch, clinical massage therapist, dedicated her career to the art of therapeutic healing, specialising in assessing and treating specific musculoskeletal issues and injuries.

Through a comprehensive understanding of anatomy and biomechanics, Mitch employs targeted techniques to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and promote overall physical wellbeing. Whether addressing chronic conditions or aiding in injury recovery, Mitch’s intuitive remedial technique brings a nuanced and personalised approach to each session, aiming to optimise the body's natural healing processes and improve the overall quality of life.

With an emphasis on individual assessment and recovery, each results-driven treatment is as unique as you are. Specifically applied remedial modalities meet you where you are at today and get you where you want to be tomorrow.

Massage techniques:
sports, deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, pregnancy, reflexology, relaxation

Other modalities:

  • SmartWave™ Therapy is a state-of-the-art treatment leveraging advanced technology for enhanced healing. This non-invasive therapy employs focused shockwaves to target specific areas, promoting accelerated recovery from musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. SmartWave™ Therapy is a modern solution designed to optimize rehabilitation and improve overall well-being.

  • Dry needling is a therapeutic technique involving the insertion of thin needles into muscle trigger points or tight bands to alleviate pain, improve muscle function, and promote healing. Unlike acupuncture, dry needling targets specific muscular issues rather than traditional energy pathways. The procedure aims to release tension and stimulate the body's natural healing response.

  • Cupping is a traditional therapeutic practice involving the application of cups to the skin, creating suction. Originating from traditional Chinese medicine, this technique uses heated or mechanically suctioned cups to lift the skin, promoting increased blood circulation, relaxation, and energy flow. Cupping is commonly used to address muscle tension, pain, inflammation, and respiratory issues.

Learn more about Mitch and her philosophy and approach to optimal physical wellbeing


Contact Mitch at Clinical Massage Therapy for more information.

30 min Massage - $65

45 min Massage - $90

60 min Massage - $105

75 min - Massage - $125

90 min - Massage - $145